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1-on-1 Coaching & Training

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I don’t believe that one size fits all.

Let’s start with a conversation.

YNAB Training:

Starting with YNAB can be a total game-changer! According to YNAB, new users can save $600 in their second month, $6000 in their first year, and pay off debt. However, setting up YNAB can be tricky, so I am here to help you streamline the process. Along the way, I will go over every little detail to ensure that you truly understand and feel confident about maintaining your budget in the long-term. Setting up YNAB correctly is just one part of the puzzle, and many people may benefit from personal coaching after completing the training.

Training packages are scheduled weekly over six weeks to generate momentum toward a long-term relationship.

Personal Budget Coaching:

Personal Budget Coaching can be a valuable resource for anyone, whether you have big dreams and goals, you're facing particular challenges, or you have no clue what to do. In coaching, we focus on a "heal, grow, expand" model in conjunction with other healing modalities. Coaching sessions are tailored to individuals because that's what works. Whether you are feeling deep or light-hearted, stressed or celebrating, it's always nice to have a trusted coach to meet you where you are and hold space respectfully and kindly.

Getting Started

This is the beginning of your journey with me. You will complete this course feeling confident in maintaining your budget long-term. We will touch some of the deeper layers, but a lot of our time will be spent learning YNAB itself.

  • 90 min Sessions as Needed

  • Setting up and learning to navigate YNAB

  • Deep dive into the YNAB Method and The Four Rules

  • Building supportive habits

  • Shorten the learning curve

  • Some remote support outside of sessions

  • Understanding past patterns and their origins

  • Developing a plan for moving forward

What’s Next?

Once the foundation of learning is set, the next step is to heal, grow, and expand. With a money management system in place, we can shift the discussion to deeper, more impactful aspects of your situation and your dreams.

  • 90 min Sessions as Needed

  • Noticing patterns and making adjustments

  • Connections between money and soul journey

  • Illuminating stuck energy patterns, lasting change

  • Directing money toward your goals and intentions

  • Identifying blocks and blind spots

  • Integrating your budget into your reality

  • Integrating intermodal healing into financial plans

We will find a price and payment structure that works for you during a Discovery Call.

  • YNAB Budget Coaching

  • Holistic Thinking

  • Home Economics

  • Preparing for Change

  • Setting and Meeting Goals

Tools in the Toolbox

  • Creating Healthy Habits

  • Conscious Living

  • Trauma Informed Care

  • Minimalism

  • Decision Making

  • Recommended Reading

  • Processing Emotions

  • Holding Space

  • Unconditional Positive Regard

  • Meaningful Conversations

I am a YNAB Certified Budgeting Coach, which means that I have been trained to coach people on using YNAB software and the YNAB budgeting method. I have met select requirements of You Need a Budget LLC in order to receive this certification, which means that I have the ability to competently coach YNAB to others. I am not an employee of YNAB, and all non-YNAB related opinions and recommendations are my own. My views do not reflect the views of YNAB and its employees or its affiliates.